What is Frontier? A Chain-Agnostic DeFi Aggregation Platform

Frontier is a chain agnostic DeFi aggregation layer, meaning it can interact with apps across several networks. Users can access and monitor their DeFi strategies across multiple blockchains while earning rewards in FRONT tokens.

What is Frontier?

You can compare Frontier to a Decentralized Finance (DeFi) aggregation platform such as Zapper, however, it supports more than just Ethereum. Currently, the DeFi economy is growing rapidly but it is fragmented across multiple networks. Meaning users are often isolated to using a handful of products despite decentralization. Or locked into one DeFi product because of their wallet choice.

With Frontier, these barriers will break down through aggregation. Users can track their investments, manage to stake, execute token swaps, provide liquidity, access lending protocols, and much more. Currently, Frontier supports a range of DeFi products deployed on Ethereum, Binance Smart Chain, BandChain, Kava, Harmony, and Cosmos Network. Furthermore, the team is actively developing interoperability with Polkadot and Solana to access products such as PolkaStarter and Serum DEX. To summarize, Frontier believes users should easily have access to DeFi opportunities in many networks.

What is FRONT token?

FRONT is the platform’s native utility token with the following main use cases:

  • Liquidity Mining: liquidity providers can earn rewards in FRONT tokens.
  • Consensus: Frontier Chain will feature staking FRONT tokens to run a validator node and holders will be able to delegate tokens.
  • Governance: Platform decisions and parameter changes will be community-driven.

Additionally FRONT token will also power various platform key features such as:

  • Referrals: earn rewards for inviting your friends into the DeFi economy.
  • Gasless transactions: users will be able to lock tokens in the Frontier Vault as a way to subsidize transaction fees.
  • Non-fungible tokens: Frontier is also planning an NFT marketplace where creators can buy, sell, and mint NFTs.

Looking to the future

What’s interesting about Frontier is that it also introduces wallet composability to DeFi via TxLink. Essentially you can use the platform with any Web3 wallet (Trust Wallet, Coinbase Wallet, MetaMask, Fortmatic etc…) which makes onboarding extremely smooth. As a result, you no longer need to download different wallets to access DeFi products on other chains.

Decentralized Key Management… Another fear in cryptocurrency that stops participants from entering is the thought of losing seed phrases and backup keys. Frontier is building a decentralized key management protocol to ensure your funds are always recoverable.

Deflationary… Adoption will drive the value of FRONT, as the team requires that a portion of any B2B integration fees are collected in tokens. As the demand for fluid on/off ramps between CeFi & DeFi products increases, Frontier’s position will strengthen!