Lamden Mainnet Launch is Around the Corner

Lamden, known as The Python Blockchain, mainnet launch is just around the corner, on the 16th of September. Lamden aims to provide the ultimate developer-friendly platform, along with the scalability to meet today’s demand for on-chain transactions. The outcome is a network that features parallel processing of transactions, enabling a high throughput of up to 1000x faster than Ethereum. Wrapped up in the programming simplicity that is Python.

Python on Blockchain?
Lamden has been designed to be a very performant blockchain, however, the entry barrier for a developer is extremely low. Because of the Python-based smart contract language called Contracting, developers can build using their existing Python IDE (tools). Meaning they can enter blockchain without the need to learn new software or change their dev environment. You can build your frontend in any major language and it will be able to interact with the Lamden blockchain.
Zoom in: during the initial launch phase 90% of transaction fees processed by a developer’s dApp will go straight into the dev’s wallet. A massive attraction for building on Lamden, which will surely create a whole ecosystem of dApps fairly quickly.
- The market is reacting very positively to Lamden’s mainnet launch, with TAU up by over 270% over the last 30 days.
Zoom out: one thing that is missing for Lamden is a high volume exchange for TAU. Along with some high profile collaboration proposals with other teams perhaps in the DeFi sector? I would recommend checking out their team telegram AMA on September 2nd. As with the mainnet launch imminent, it would be a great time to make some new announcements.